As of 7 February 2020, the Singapore Government has raised the Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) level to “Orange” from “Yellow” amid an increase in the number of confirmed cases of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV).

To keep Kampong Glam safe for all stakeholders and our visitors, we seek your co-operation to practice the following procedures.

  1. All working personnel to take temperature readings at least twice daily. You can use the Temperature Measurement Form template attached to monitor. Working personnel identified with fever and/or displayed obvious flu systems should be referred to a GP It is recommended for working personnel who is feeling unwell, to put on a mask to avoid infection. Until certified medically fit by a doctor, staff personnel should not return to their work premises.
  2. It is mandatory for all workers returning from mainland China to be placed on a 14-day Leave of Absence (LOA) as Singapore steps up measures to contain the Coronavirus situation. Employers must notify the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) before their employees return. Please ensure that your staff abides by this 14 day Leave of Absence.
  3. Please increase frequency of cleaning with disinfectant solution within your premises, especially at high traffic areas like counter tops, dining tables, glass display showcase, door handles etc.
  4. Should any of your staff be identified positive with the coronavirus, please inform the OKG office immediately.
  5. Should any of your staff be identified positive with the coronavirus, please inform the OKG office immediately.

Contact Numbers: 8163 6247

We thank you for your cooperation and hope all everyone stays safe during this period.